Educational Infrastructure

Classrooms, facilities and clean drinking water are crucial components of our a quality primary school education, and have a direct impact on learning outcomes, experiences and overall development.

TUSP school

The importance of a safe, secure and effective learning environment is crucial to a child’s academic and socio-emotional development

Adequate and well designed classrooms facilitate engagement amongst students, reduce overcrowding, and improve concentration, creating conditions for better academic performance and improved child wellbeing.

Access to appropriate Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) facilities is also crucial in reducing the spread of water-borne diseases and improving health and nutrition amongst learners. Private spaces for our female learners when menstruating also ensures they have the support and dignity they deserve, whilst also reducing avoidable absenteeism from school.

To date, we have supported two primary schools in Namisindwa District: Bumakenya Primary School and Soono Primary School

TUSP Icon showing building
  • 14 classrooms constructed

  • 10 pit latrines constructed

  • 12,500 litre tank to collect and repurpose rainwater

  • Clean, safe drinking water systems installed at school.

Help support our work by donating

£20 helps us to buy 4 desks, allowing 12 children to become literate, while £50 helps to feed all 450 pupils for an entire week.